New Dictation with Ray and audio generator: easier to create than ever
You can now create a Dictation with multiple screens, allowing you to build a more dynamic game for your players
Thank you ISTE 2024 for helping us grow
We come back from Denver happy for the “wows” and grateful for the feedback
New Riddle! Now you can reveal letters of the solution as a hint
Including two or more riddles in the same game is now possible
New Map Quiz! Much more than just maps
Use it to locate organs in the human body, parts of an engine, or anything you need
New Matching Game! Now you can add audios and pictures to your cards
Easier to create thanks to Ray, your assistant powered by AI
New Quiz! Try the Game Mode, where each question is corrected right after the answer
Create with Ray and play with our new interface, more attractive and intuitive
Educaplayers say “Yes” to Yes or No: 30,000 games and 100,000 times played in four months
Your new game is an express binary quiz where you answer like in dating apps
New Alphabet Game: Create it with Ray and with the letters you want
Easier and more flexible so you can make it with the letter of the topic, with the name of your company, and with any alphabet
My Guests: Choose the alias of your players, supervise their creations and forget about Sign-Ups
Have them identify themselves with the 9 letters of their Invitation to better control their scores and the games they create
Two for the price of one: New versions of Memory and Matching Pairs now in your hands
Both games are now more engaging to play and allow you to use Ray, your AI-powered automatic creator
Hi, I’m Ray! Just give me a title and I’ll create your game
I just need a topic, a link or a piece of text to get your game ready for you to publish
The new Word Search Puzzle supports pictures, audio files, and all kinds of alphabets
We just renewed one of the most popular types of games, specially improving the experience on touch devices
New Fill in the Blanks Game!
Put reading and comprehension skills into play, and boost the learning of words, verbs and even mathematics
Subscribe yearly or monthly, with the possibility of easy convenient third-party payment
Send the quote or the Pay for Me link to your organization
New Unscramble Words! Play with your listening activities, definitions, and sentences
Easy and engaging to teach any phrase or list of words
New Unscramble Letters! Lots of words and a lot of game
Now you can add multiple words in a single game