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New Riddle! Now you can reveal letters of the solution as a hint

Including two or more riddles in the same game is now possible

Romà Rofes April 29, 2024

There are now three types of clues in the new version of the Riddle. You can provide text and/or multimedia information, you can progressively unveil an image, and now, you can also reveal one of the letters in the solution.

As always, players can spend points of their final score in exchange of help. The fewer hints they ask for, the higher their grade. Players can see how many points will be deducted from their final score before they hit the hint button.

Another new feature is that you can now include two or more riddles in the same game. For example, you can have players guess “tiger”, then “monkey” and finally “snake” in a game titled “Jungle animals”.

Creating your Riddle is now easier than ever thanks to your intuitive editor and Ray, your AI-powered assistant.

Simply give Ray a solution like “horse”, and Ray will use that word as the solution, create an initial heading, three information hints, and an enigmatic title for the game. You can also provide a general topic like “Chemical elements.” In this case, Ray will generate a solution related to that category (like “hydrogen”) along with the hints.

Create your Riddle now! With Ray, you’ll have it ready in seconds.